Corporate Governance


LOCAL attorneys are experts in corporate governance and have been teaching in this field at the University of Iceland for years.

LOCAL attorneys are accredited evaluators of corporate governance by the Iceland Chamber of Commerce and the Research Center for Corporate Governance at the University of Iceland. LOCAL attorneys provide independent assessments of corporate governance. The companies that pass the evaluation process are given recognition in this regard, which is called a Model Company in Governance.

LOCAL attorneys provide advice to companies, institutions and boards regarding good governance. LOCAL attorneys provide advice in connection with the role and responsibilities of board members, the preparation and review of rules of procedure, corporate governance and code of ethics, and the composition of the board.

LOCAL attorneys undertake to chair meetings of shareholders and board of directors and write minutes of such meetings as well as to provide assistance and advice in connection with board and shareholders’ meetings.

Auður Ýr Helgadóttir


Guðrún Bergsteinsdóttir
